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Internal Assessment of Current Procedures & Practice

Big Karma simply hires the best candidates for each job, without bias. Big Karma is an equal pay employer.


There is no instance of discrimination or any form of bias or mistreatment to report inside our company.


Our work force is currently 75% male and 25% female. The ratio at C-level is 80% male versus 20% female (5 to 1). This is unfortunately common in the video games & technology industries and the root causes have been widely written about. That being said, as a company representing inclusion in all our products, services, and values, we have engaged pro-active measures to constantly improve the work force ratio. Female designers, programmers, and animators have been actively recruited. On our executive team, Cheryl Ann Wong, is Chinese-American and is the company's Chief Brand Officer and Director of Communications and Media.


The composition of our executive team is international: from Belgium to Holland, Bulgaria to United States, Germany to Finland, with a full troupe of designers, programmers, and animators throughout South America. We are truly a robust and diverse global corporation.

Strategies to Improve

We want to reach a strict gender parity of 50% male-female ratio of employees in our ranks.


To be pro-active in our recruitment of the best female candidates in the tech and gaming industries, the role of Head of Human Resources is a female candidate with experience in Diversity & Inclusion. 


She will have the clear mission to pro-actively seek top talents who have been ignored by other companies so far, including for positions of power. Gradually, her efforts and her pro-active search to hire more female candidates will lead us to gender parity.


Ideally, the person hired for this role will have experience in working with employees with disabilities, too — and will possess knowledge regarding best practices for their inclusion in our workforce. Big Karma’s intent is to improve disability representation in gaming and media — and this must start from inside the company. For Them, With Them.

Future Monitoring

As a relatively small startup, we are not currently hiring at a fast pace. We will, therefore, measure the results of our efforts after successfully completing our fundraising and going through our next recruitment wave. The performance indicator will be an increase of the ratio of women employees within our ranks, as well as in positions of power (C-Level).

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